Tezarchaeon - Ethereal Sunrise Over Golitha Falls

The shimmering river
the sand and stones
running between the trees
The ancient oak
so tall and green
sway in the summer breeze

The paths
the sign of outer life
weave between the trees
Forever enchanted
the summer woods
blessed with life they breathe

The vast grass planes
and mighty hills
surround the great old woods
A view from the hills
to the oceans deep
that glisten in the sun

Inspiring the mind
to greater thought
of journeys beyond the waves
Natures voice
an earthly call
reaches through many ways

Dark is the night
that enshrouds the woods
Paths turn to black and loose their way
River runs red
with the blood of life
Natures ancient wounds do bleed

When daylight comes
and night draws back
darkness recoils into the soil

Inspiration from light
the source of all life
and bringer of hope from darkness' ways

When daylight comes
and night draws back
darkness recoils into the soil

The rays of sun
pierce through the leaves
Enlightening the vast foliage
and breathing life into the great forest
once more